Friday, August 10, 2007

Hi everyone,

How has the preparations of the exams been? I guess everyone has been mugging like nuts but what's school without mugging right? If you are sick and tired and a little stressed, think about the long term goals; you are going to get a diploma; your parents will be happy; you will be happy; you are fulfilling the cultural mandate by being the salt of the earth and the light of the world. In the words of a dear friend," CAN ONE! YOU CAN DO IT! I KNOW YOU CAN!"

I guess we had fun during the FOP and we learnt something in the seminar and enjoyed our guest musicians. What I really want to bring to you is this; do we have what it takes to bring school wide revival in NP? What is the thing that is holding us back? The prayer meeting 2 weeks ago was awesome and guess what, we want the next prayer meeting, on the 28th of August to be even better! We want more of our friends coming and we want to win the lost. Winning the lost has to start with prayer and revival in our individual lives before we can spread it to the hearts of the lost.

I strongly encourage all of us to come back again with more people this time. Let's start reaching out to our friends once the exams are over. Let's be active! Our faith has to be active if we want to please God, so let's go all out.


1:09 PM

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hello everybody,

I guess the prayer meeting on Tuesday was a good start for NP CHC. 63 people coming down to pray was good, but let's go for 100 after the exams. Let's call our friends who are in NP CHC to come. Let's be active to want to stir something on.

Emerge is not just about the hype but taking back the spirit of revival in our hearts and setting the campus on fire. We are not just here to wait or watch revival happening, but we want to be actively involved. Eric has spoken the word and challenged us, now let's really go all out to make disciples. We are a generation that will be remembered for sparking revival that will last through the years.

Ok guys and girls, right now it is up to us to start a good work. Now is the time.


11:48 PM