Monday, October 30, 2006

Hi everyone,

I want to hold a prayer meeting on the 13th of November. It will be on a Monday. ICs stay tuned for news.

In the mean while, I need you guys to be prayed up for our school. Things are going to happen and we are going to embark on a new approach. Something that is relevant.


12:56 AM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hello everybody!

It has been one month and 6 days since the last entry! School is reopening next week and we are going to have our first prayer meeting at the same room from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. It will be a time where we can catch up and share some happening experiences. I really wish to see as many of you guys as possible. Keep this in mind: Kristos Kai Kosmos. It's time to take action as the end of the year is approaching. Remember, revival starts in us before it can touch others.

Jessel Yam

8:43 AM